Tuesday 3 January 2017

Instagram with Some Habits

Afternoon everyone, 
Stage 2: Consistency is Key
Challenge #1: Heroic Habits
Today will be used s an opportunity to develop one new habit each, something you believe will benefit your health. It doesn't have to be something of larger scale significance. All we need is something strong enough to interrupt any negative cycles we have managed to get into, one stage at a time. My habit from today until the end of the scheduled 12 weeks will be to eat three meals per day. Sound simple? I think having simple structure in place such as this, will allow me to have a greater sense of focus and reduce the likelihood of the diet falling flat. When those hunger pangs come...and they will, I will only have drinks to fulfil me until the next challenge.  
We are now on stage 2! Amazing work if you have managed to follow our stages up until now. Although not a massive amount, I managed to drop three pounds from my overall weight. More importantly, I feel better for it! It's only a small amount of weight by all means, but having that small amount of progress and greater awareness of the food I am eating has made me more energetic and healthy, which feels great.
Anyways...we are on our second stage and want to continue our progress. Let's start then! This week will be all about becoming consistent with new patterns. In order to help us achieve those goals...we need to remain consistent. As with all of our stages, we will segment this into 7 challenges to help develop our new habits. Importantly, remaining consistent with these habits is our key to maintaining long-lasting change.
I'll keep you updated on our progress as always, and you can let me know how you get on with developing new habits within our lifestyles. Feel feel free to tag your progress...
Please help share, start a discussion or leave a comment, let me know how you get on. 

Monday 2 January 2017

Instagram With The Pigeon

Good Afternoon everyone,
Challenge #7: Peckish Pigeon
Our challenge today is all about overcoming the craves we get through these small changes in lifestyle habits. If you have been following the challenges up until now, hunger will start to creep in and those foods lying around the house might be extremely tempting. This is one of the key stages of any successful change...let's call it a tipping point, where things can go either way. The objective then becomes to maintain strong mental focus for our changes and contacting those involved for encouragement if we feel overwhelmed. Keep excited, stay motivated and begin to visualise your goals.
We are now on challenge #7, the final step of our first stage to having our own Health Revolution. I weighed myself at the beginning of the challenge and was 14st 11 pounds. I have set the 12 week challenge for myself to lose the minimum of 24 pounds.
Our challenges are taking a different approach to the norms offered by the health industry at the moment, helping trial and error what people get excited about and how to make the upcoming app work for them. As of tomorrow, we begin Stage 2. What we are offering through our challenges is the opportunity for everyone joining the movement of health for their own reasons and encourage others who may also have a similar situation. 
Stage 2: Consistency Is Key
We will be looking at ways of introducing exercise the way users want. Exercise for many is on a love/hate basis, so we'll be working to make sure we get all the feedback possible to help shape how we can deliver information to our users most effectively!
We will also be gradually introducing exercise videos and showing some new graphics to show how we think these challenges will help our users. 
Contact us at healthrevd@gmail.com with your feedback and suggestions for improvements, we'd love to hear them. 
Please help us share these challenges and help others achieve their success

Sunday 1 January 2017

Instagram #6: New Year Nutrition

Happy New Year everyone,
Challenge #6: New Year Nutrition

Hope we are all great and having the best start to the year 2017. I'm sure of all the days possible, today will be the worst to even contemplate discussing nutrition, feeling guilty from those amazing foods you have all prepared. So let's enjoy the day and get our New Year resolutions in order for tomorrow...ready to make this year as special.
If you feel like joining me in our challenge, then I'll be taking it pretty easy and having some smaller potions (at least, compared to Christmas), trying to be more aware of various nutrients that are important for health. Let's try to create our own version of a multivitamin through our main meal and see how nutritious they can be 😀@myhealthrev
More importantly, enjoy your day, spend it how you wish and make some new memories.
I would love to hear your feedback with how you would want some challenges for the New Year, help get us all motivated. Stage 2 will introduce exercises to the scene, taking some new approaches to inspire you all to take part in our social challenges :)
Enjoy your day

Saturday 31 December 2016

Instagram Challenge #5: @myhealthrev

Good evening everyone,
Hope we all have enjoyed dusting off those old albums today, getting our playlist ready to propel us into new goals and new achievements...especially for our new year. Today, I collected a bunch of my favourite gym music, trying to set the workout mindset I'll need next week when I can start to show exercise challenges. Also, I couldn't help myself with a little Motown as well cooking away the dinner again...the best!
Tomorrow we have challenge #6: New Year Nutrition
So get ready and stay motivated, remember everything so far and let the music help motivate you if you feel the motivation slip at any point...also come and join our Instagram and get support through it all :)
please share, start a discussion and join us, more updates tomorrow...enjoy your New Year's Eve :)