Wednesday 28 December 2016

What If Things Change?

Good afternoon everyone,
15628908_1594555237240754_1701635520_o(working on myHealthRev in sunny Scotland)
Hope we are all feeling great? Let's jump right in then...
What if you could change things? When I say this, I don't refer to mundane things such as changing the carpets around your home... or better yet, the T.V channel! I want us all to get creative. Surprise yourself, surprise your friends (and blog followers ;)) then discover another piece of you to share with the world.
If you have been following the blog up until now, you'll know a rough outline about HealthRev and its purpose. If you are just getting the chance to have a look now, then welcome!...come on in the water's fine.
"That's just the way things are". How many times have you been told this? If you are anything like me, you'll have more than changing T.V channels to discuss. So what's my position on this?
When I was young, I had a form of leukaemia...surprisingly though I rarely think about this. I'll borrow a phrase that I come across that describes the 'philosophy' I was taught, "Attitude determines Altitude"...I'll give you a second to clean up the cliche-vomit all over your keyboard. Actually, the reason I began designing this app was to help those who I have grown up around...trying to take my so-called 'positive attitude' and produce something tangible to remind them 'things' matter. The 'things' can be something I could see insignificant...but that's not the point. We are all different, we need to search for what helps a person, not what hinders them...and we need to keep searching because theres people out there who may just need your advice...your voice, experience or simply, your support.
What am I looking to change? How we think about health and what steps we take towards improving it! By no means would I waste your time or my own by throwing information at you that you can get in any of the other million sites dedicated to that dreaded food pyramid. I get it...your not interested! If you are, your having to do more than rely on 'guidance' from a neatly divided triangle or my favourite "did you know your BMI says you are overweight?"...out comes the Ben & Jerry's again.
HealthRev...It's built with you and for you. Theres no other way of saying it. I need to make our concept of health become something we become passionate about..something that makes us get hungry over helping others. So here it is again...What if you could change your health? What if you could help another person change theirs? What if you inspired them to overcome any difficulty as best as possible and continued supporting them...the same way we support each others blogs. With the initial like, then the encouraging comment...then by being yourself and truly reaching out to them...
What if we could change things?...would we do it?
How about this...I'll be starting an Instagram 'challenge' very soon. myHealthRev will be about my journey of losing weight (24 pounds) which I'll be showing you just how I will go about the process. I would love to see you all joining for your own reasons and together we can spread our support to those who we know. So share your passion for food, exercise, lifestyle, hobbies or your story and help inspire others @myhelthrev.
Thank you all for supporting me so far...this makes the change happen, it lets me know you are on board for our journey. I had a chance to speak to some readers who had vey personal stories to tell and it's incredible to see their input towards this shows the Attitude...need I say the rest :)
So please share, discuss it with friends, or just start a conversation, let others know your story or if you have anything you want to change :)

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